Wish List – In Kind Donations
Thanks to our generous and dedicated local partners, we are limited in donation space at our Day Center and our greatest areas of need are gift card donations, non-perishable foods items, or new and unopened pillows, new and unopened fitted sheet & place sets.
We do have opportunities to get involved in Giving in other aspects such as coordinating a Fundraiser among your family, friends, and colleagues, or hosting a fundraiser at your congregation, community club, or favorite restaurant to donate directly to Family Promise.
We also accept gift cards. The most useful denominations are $25 and $50 gift cards, which we can combine with other cards to optimally help children and families. Gift cards can be used towards groceries once moved in, furnishing houses during move ins, and for transportation for those without a car.
We suggest grocery cards (Acme and ShopRite), and travel cards (SEPTA Key Cards, Lyft, and Uber).
If you would like to donate gift cards or know specific needs for our families on a rolling basis, please reach out to Blaine at blaine@familypromisede.org or call 302-998-2222 Ext. 105 for more details and availability!
By donating everyday items to Family Promise, you can make a difference in the lives of families experiencing homelessness who are working hard to regain sustainable independence.
Thank you for helping to end family homelessness! Hundreds of families in all of our programs count on donors and supply drive organizers like you for the following essential supplies.
To drop off supplies, please call us first to check availability, and visit us on weekdays (Monday – Thursday) from 9 am – 3:30 pm:
2104 St. James Church Road, Wilmington, DE 19808
Please contact us if you have any questions:
(302) 998-2222
Click here to download this list as a Word Document.
Donate or Make a Recurring DonationWhy? Your financial investment goes directly to helping families overcome homelessness together! Give once or set up a recurring donation, which provides steady support and can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly. You can designate your gift in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones. If requested, we will send a note of appreciation to the designee. How? Online: Quickly and securely donate at: donate.familypromisede.org. By mail: Donate via cash or check (made out to “Family Promise of NNCC”), mailed to: 2104 St. James Church Road, Wilmington, DE 19808. By phone: Call us to donate via credit card or ask questions about donating: (302) 998-2222 ext. 105
Give Through Your WorkplaceWhy? You could double your donation! Many employers match charitable contributions and/or volunteer time by their employees, retirees, and/or employees’ spouses. How? Check with your employer to see if there is a matching gift program. If so, fill out the form and designate Family Promise. For employees of the State of Delaware: You can participate in the State Employee Charitable Campaign. On your pledge form, designate your gift to Family Promise of Northern New Castle County (#71044). Learn more at secc.delaware.gov. Workplace giving through the United Way: On your pledge form, designate your gift to Family Promise of Northern New Castle County (#12433).
Join the Founder's CircleWhy? Major gifts allow us to provide housing stability for dozens or even hundreds of families. Eligible donors can join our Founder’s Circle and receive special recognition. How? Individuals, couples, or families who give a single or recurring donation totaling $5,000 or more, over 5 years, are eligible to join our Founder’s Circle. Your donation will receive special recognition. You can make your donation anonymous if you choose.
Create a Legacy of PromiseWhy? Planned gifts help to ensure that we are able to continue serving families for years to come in the future. How? Make a bequest in your will: The favored method for planned giving — and the simplest and most flexible — is a charitable gift from your estate. Make Family Promise® a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement plan, or bank/securities account. Create a charitable annuity or trust to support Family Promise® while generating income for yourself and your family. We are happy to discuss options that enable you to achieve your goals and benefit Family Promise®.
Host a FundraiserWhy? You support Family Promise® and you want to encourage your friends, family, and others to do the same! You may want to celebrate a special occasion by giving back to the community, raise funds to honor a loved one, or simply invite others to celebrate in the hope and promise of the families we serve. How? Online: You can easily set up a fundraiser for Family Promise® on Facebook by going to facebook.com/fundraisers and searching for “Family Promise of Northern New Castle County.” We will directly receive any funds raised, and there are no fees. Contact us for other options. In person: If you would like to host a fundraiser, silent auction, or supply drive for Family Promise®, we would love to hear about it! To use our logo or branding, please contact us.
Donate StocksWhy? You can donate your shares of a publicly-traded stock to Family Promise®! Donating stocks can be a tax-advantaged way of supporting our mission. How? Please begin the process by notifying tyler@familypromisede.org or 302-998-2222 ext. 111. Please fill out this form.
Donate a Vehicle, Real Estate, or Something Else"Why? Donating your personal property is a great way to support Family Promise® while meeting your financial goals. How? Vehicles: We can accept many kinds of vehicles, which may we may either sell or give to a family in need, depending on the vehicle’s condition and our current guests. Real estate: Whether you would like to transfer your property to us outright, designate your real estate through your estate, give us a portion of your holding, or continue to live in your property, we are happy to work with you to set up a transaction that meets your needs. Artwork, collections, and other personal property: Please contact us to make sure we can accept the gift you have in mind, and to discuss your wishes regarding the property.