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Brittney’s Story: A Safe & Loving Environment

In the summer of 2017, I left Delaware to follow my former husband to Missouri with the hope he would fulfill his promise to “change.” I quickly found out that the violence only grew worse and my life and the lives of my children were in constant danger. I filed a PFA and fled back to Delaware. I was in two shelters and an Amish woman’s home during this time. This was of course all during the holiday season. I was granted Emergency Jurisdiction here in Delaware.

When I filed my PFA, my abuser wiped and closed our joint account. In that account was my special needs child adoption subsidy (I adopted her from foster care long before I met my abuser) and child support for my other daughter from a previous relationship. He immediately went and stopped payments on all MY bills and even when as far as to go into the local YMCA where my children were involved in activities to cancel their membership. I had worked for the

state of Delaware at Southern Elementary as a paraprofessional and I had requested to take out my retirement since I had worked less than 5 years in the school district. My former husband changed the locks on the PO box to prevent me from getting my check. I had no job and no income in Missouri. I was able to get the check, but the post office would only hold my mail for 10 days. This was the only money I had. It was $1200. I used that money to retain a lawyer in Delaware since no other lawyer would take my case including the free lawyers. In Missouri, I was stalked, harassed, and my stuff was stolen. He also had a friend call Children and Youth on me. Thankfully, the caseworker laughed and dismissed it. I want to point out that my daughter is adopted from foster care so this was especially a low blow to me. The PFA was constantly violated. I needed a safe place for myself and my children.

In Missouri my former husband violated the PFA numerous times but those who were supposed to protect me and my children did nothing. My free PFA lawyer didn’t even show up to court and wanted to know why I couldn’t make it work with my abuser? My former husband filed for sole custody and divorce the day before the PFA hearing. The judge granted visitation on the PFA even though I had no friends or family in Missouri and would have to see my abuser every other weekend. Yes at a PFA hearing, visits were granted. The police refused to watch our exchanges since it would make them liable for my safety. However, these were the reasons I was granted Emergency Jurisdiction. I fled back to Delaware to Family Promise, since all of the women shelters were full. Family Promise was a huge blessing for my children and I. Delaware has proven to be state that protects victims of domestic violence and is full of people who truly care.

During my time at Family Promise we were provided with a safe and loving environment for myself and my children. The churches we stayed at provided food and comfort. We felt more like guests than homeless. We were treated with dignity and respect. My children enjoyed their time at the churches. The volunteers went out of their way to provide games, toys, and clothes. It was one LESS thing I had to worry about as I fought for the safety of myself and my children. I was quickly able to get my job back at Southern, a car, sole custody of my son, and access to government programs that have helped me along the way. None of this would have been possible without Family Promise.

I am forever grateful for all the love, support, and shelter that was provided to me.

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As a single father, George struggled to find balance between maintaining his career and watching his young children. With no one to watch his children, George lost his job as a chef and eventually lost his housing. After courageously removing herself from an abusive relationship while pregnant, Tiahna and her children were forced to bounce from family member’s homes until all her options had been exhausted. Following being put out by her landlord, Juanita was able to stay with her mother temporarily, however the

one bedroom apartment was too small to house Juanita and her children. Waynenetta found herself living out of her car for four days following the loss of her housing. While living in her car, she had to leave her children with family members.

Through your support of Family Promise® NNCC, you transformed their lives! George is now a vegan chef at the Newark Natural Foods Co-op. Tiahna found an apartment and a job directly across the street from one another. Juanita secured an apartment large enough to house all her children. Waynenetta finished school, received her medical assistant certification and obtained a security license.

These are just four of over 130 families we’ve served this year! We help families overcome homelessness faster, more successfully, and more cost-effectively than anywhere else in Delaware. With the opening of our Hospitality Center last fall, we have been able to help 39 more families overcome homelessness this year, representing a 32% increase in our capacity!

But we can’t do this without your support. Every dollar supports unique, effective programs that help families overcome homelessness and create stronger communities. Just $10 provides a pillow, a diaper, or other needed supplies for families. Our ability to serve more families is made possible by supporters like you. Click here to quickly and securely donate online!

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SUMMIT, NJ, OCTOBER 25 – This October, Family Promise Affiliates across the country will participate in Family Promise’s first Giving Day, a one-day online event to raise awareness of Family Promise and the crisis of family homelessness in the U.S.

“We’re bringing our communities together to raise $1million for families experiencing homelessness,” says Chief Impact Officer Cara Bradshaw. “More than 80 Affiliates will be online on October 25 to support this mission.” The digital event will be accompanied by local in-person events at Affiliates and a Night of Giving Gala held in Summit, NJ.

Family Promise envisions a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future. What began as a local initiative in Summit, NJ, has become a national movement that involves 200,000 volunteers and serves more than 90,000 family members each year. Family Promise will change the future for 1 million children by 2030. Let’s start on October 25! For more information about Family Promise Giving Day, please visit

If you are a reporter with questions about Giving Day, please reach out to Katie Coughlin at

Family Promise aims to raise $1 million in 24 hours during Giving Day Event

Family Promise envisions a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future. What began as a local initiative in Summit, NJ, has become a national movement that involves 200,000 volunteers and serves more than 90,000 family members each year. Family Promise will change the future for 1 million children by 2030. Let’s start on October 25! For more information about Family Promise Giving Day, please visit

If you are a reporter with questions about Giving Day, please reach out to Katie Coughlin at

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